Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday, November 28, 2011

Hello Everyone!
     Not much time today.  Which is okay, because there is not too much to update. 
     Let's start with Thanksgiving.  We had it in the middle of nowhere.  Lucerne Valley.  So empty.  So deserty.  TONS of joshua trees.  It was so fun though.  We ate with the family of a less active woman in our ward.  Her daughter lives out there.  Last March, they bought a turkey and raised it until last wednesday, when they killed it to eat on thursday.  Fresh turkey is really good.  Just saying. While we were there we got to feed their cow and pigs.  And they had to sweet dobermans.  Their names were Gunner and Rosalie (but they called her Rose).  Gunner could do some cool tricks.  They taught him to smile.  Apparently he makes a really alarming face, but he wouldn't do it for me.  They were so cute.  And big.  The family was awesome too.  They also invited over a couple elders.  I really appreciate the people who take care of missionaries during the holidays.  We had a lot of fun with them. 
     Aside from that, I spent a little bit of time being sick this week.  Not a lot happened.  We were able to set up a lot of appointments for this week.  We'll be meeting with a few potential investigators which is really exciting.  Ken and Kim, of course.  I am so excited to actually be able to sit down and talk with them.  And then also there is a family in the ward who's granddaughter will be living with them for a little while, and she seems like she wants to be baptized, so that is way exciting!  We had a woman approach us at church and set up an appointment with her.  She lives with a less active woman that we have been trying to see pretty much ever since I got here!  That was so exciting.  We're just going to be meeting with a lot of new faces, which will be good to have the change.
     I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!  I'll email you upon next Monday, which is my birthday, the day I was born, 23 years ago.  Twenty-three.  Weird.  Bye!
This is the void that is Lucerne Valley.

-Sister Stacey

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