Monday, January 7, 2013

Nice Winter in Big Bear 1/07/2013

Dear Family,

Hello!  It's a nice winter morning up here in Big Bear! We got five inches of snow last night, which was fun to wake up to!  I used to laugh when people who weren't around snow very often would get so excited.  But after being in summer for 15 months straight and finally have some snow, it's pretty exciting!  I enjoy seasons.

Unfortunately, there's not a lot to report on for this week. I am glad weeks like this last one don't come along too often. They're not fun. Not only was Sister Davis pretty sick most of the week, but when we WERE out, no one was home or they didn't have time, or they were also sick. It's going around I guess. I got sick on Saturday and I hope it doesn't bother me too much this week.  My ears were feeling weird yesterday at church and I was worried about getting an ear infection.  I guess people get them up here all the time.  But I'm feeling a bit better today, so hopefully it was just some weird weekend cold thing.

Andy got out of the hospital yesterday, so hopefully we'll see him soon. I guess they didn't actually operate on his brain. There was just something up there to drain some fluid that kept collecting around his brain. So that was good. He slipped and fell on some ice. He hit his head when he fell and his brain shifted a little bit and he lost the use of the left half of his body temporarily.  He was unable to stand back up, so he had to call for help.  He's usually more careful on the ice, but he had been drinking that night so he wasn't as stable on his feet. He said he never wants to drink again, which made us very happy because that was definitely something that was holding him back! 

There's another man we've been trying to start teaching named James. When we talk to him he sounds so sincere and excited to start learning. He really wants to go to church and everything. But when it comes to making a commitment, he won't follow through. He is so sincere in his desire, so we can't figure out why he won't do the things he's said he would do.  When we saw him last week and invited him to church he said that he would definitely be there.  We asked him if he wanted us to find him a ride to church, but he said that he wanted to walk there.  (he lives about three miles from the church)  He said it's not so bad if he walks 'as the crow flies'.  So we figured if he has to trudge through snow and people's property, he probably wouldn't be there.  And he wasn't.  We should try just sending someone over there on Sunday morning to pick him up and see what happens.  We really want him to come to church!

And Blake, our other investigator, is still having a hard time matching his schedule up to the person he wants to help us teach him. But in seminary he was talking about how he wants to go on a mission. That was really cool! We hope we can continue teaching him again soon!

Ed Stanik, a recent convert, invited us to go see The Hobbit with him.  But obviously we couldn't go.  So sad. 

The last bit of news is that we found a bed bug in our house.  I knew it was a bed bug, because Jenn sent me a picture of one a while ago, and I recognized the creature instantly.  They're gross!  We tore our house apart looking for more, but didn't find any.  We must have taken him home from someone else's house.  I REALLY hope we don't find any more.  It just doesn't sound like too much fun trying to get rid of them. 

Also, I learned how to widdle.  And today we're going to a silver smith's shop.  He did all the silver work on the Three Amigos and silver work in other movies.  We're going to see if he'll make something cheap for us, because that sounds pretty cool. 

Well, I suppose that is all for this week!  Love you all!  Have a great week!

Love, Sister Stacey

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